“Gundi – A Legend of Love”

“Gundi – A Legend of Love”

 Поради многото запитвания, обявяваме прожекция на филма “ГУНДИ – Легенда за любовта” в Worthing!  Билети: https://bit.ly/wildroseevents ИЗЖИВЕЙ. ЕДНА ВЕЧНА ЛЮБОВ. 8-ми декември от 13:00чWorthing Connaught Theatre & Studio, Union Pl, Worthing...
Women’s Day and Mother’s Day

Women’s Day and Mother’s Day

Celebrate the special women in your life with a weekend of culinary delights at Donchevi Kitchen! From the 8th to the 10th of March, honour International Women’s Day and Mother’s Day with our exclusive menu crafted just for them. 🌷✨ 🎉 Make it a memorable...
“Best Food Award”

“Best Food Award”

Exciting News! We’re thrilled to announce that Donchevi Bar & Kitchen has been shortlisted as a finalist in the prestigious “Best Food Award” category! This award recognizes the best local food businesses, and we’re proud to represent the...